Those who do not know me personally may find it surprising that in addition to art, I also provide instruction on graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, Canva, and CapCut. As a Digital Development Officer at Craft NI, my role involves creating training programs for Craft Makers who manage their small businesses. A strong digital presence is crucial, and I take pleasure in sharing my knowledge on enhancing posts, posters, flyers, and more.
Here are a few tips that I think can help when starting to create social media designs:
1) Try to choose the fonts you like and be consistent with them. You can write their names down or memorize them.
2) Don't use more than 2 different fonts in one design.
3) DO NOT use central text alignment for a big block of text. I see that very often, and it's really hard to read.
4) The less, the better! Try not to put everything you have learned in one design.
All these tips are for artists/craft makers who don't have a lot of time to create social media posts but still want them to look great!